Project App stand-up

Edilberto Jurado
3 min readJun 24, 2021


The application stand-up was developed with React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

This application permited Management work station (Work station is a place job)

For this project, will need two separate repositories: one for your frontend and one for your backend , your frontend have a single pague and it was deployed in standalone server netlify.

The application frontend have the following components :

When a user execute app stand-up , all code is mounted in the file html , and the code is found inside the file index.js, it is the principal application file and help a run application.

In this file will imported the corresponding libraries necesaries to write interfaces web, also imported the file App.js and here is found the first application code, in this file also has a useState component . State provides us with a way to maintain and update information within a component without requiring its parent to somehow send updated information.
The useState initialize a variable page whith value “List”

The component App return elements JSX, and in the component Admnavbar.js create the botton for create and view th station.

Also since file App.js call the component StationList.

In this component make a data peticion to backend server in format json and also call the component StationItem and the update and delete function.

In the component Stationitem show the work station list.

The information above show in detail the frontend application make with react javascript library.

For your backend setup the application use json-server to generate your backend code , and it was deployed in standalone server Heroku that have capable runing a Node.js server, then show the data structure json the resource station.

The React is a tool to permit building fast web app with javaScript , but is necessary have knowledge in html , css and javaScript, and after finishing the application i have a little clearer how React work.



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